// Amanda & Thomas Maternity Shoot \\ South Florida Portrait Photographer

While I don't plan to make a habit of taking pictures of women and their pregnant bellies, I just couldn't say no to these two fantastic people who were visiting from Oklahoma after leaving South Florida 6 months ago. 

Man, do I miss them!

Amanda is one of my very best friends and her and Thomas are one of my favorite couples ever, so this was such a pleasure to shoot. 

I can't wait to meet their baby girl who will no doubt be beautiful and just as awesome as her parents!

Enjoy these shots I got of  their growing family.

// Abbie "Trash the Dress" \\ Fort Lauderdale Wedding Photographer

I consider anyone who is willing to get in the ocean in their wedding dress to be brave! 

I couldn't do it myself, so am grateful for a friend like Abbie who was willing to "trash" her wedding gown for some really fun pictures and laughs.

It was pretty funny (and sad) the amount of people who stopped her to ask if she was ruining her gown because she got divorced, ha! Her response was equally as amusing when she told them that not only is she doing this just for fun, but she is happily married AND pregnant with baby #2 under that wedding dress!

I got so many gorgeous shots of this photogenic friend! Here are the ones I loved the best.
